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7 Easy Yoga Postures to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety is a problem that can occur to people at any age. It has now become a mental disorder but many of us are still unaware of its symptoms and precautions. Being anxious is not wrong but being anxious all the time and that too without any reason is the problem. In today's fast-growing world, it become common but as soon as it increases beyond the limit, your anxiety starts affecting the body and mind badly. It is essential that we practice those activities every day with which we can get rid of anxiety. By doing this you will also avoid activity-related disorders. It is better to control anxiety before the condition where you need to take pills continuously.

After exploring and searching a lot about the remedy for anxiety, you find yoga as the most appropriate one. Yoga will not only fit into your daily schedule but will also handle your anxious mind in a healthy way.

A Healthy Body Doesn't Allow You to Stay Anxious Unnecessary

You must have heard that 'A healthy body comes from a healthy mind'. This is true in every way. If you want to avoid anxiety, then first you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle. So carefully eat healthy food every day, do not drink alcohol, sleep well, and most important of all, regularly practice yoga. If this is done on a constant basis, it can prove to be the best and easiest home remedy for anxiety, which will help you in the long run.

Here in this article, we are discussing some of the easy yoga postures to reduce anxiety. Let's have a look at them.


Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Translated to English, Ustrasana means the Camel Pose. It is a back-bending asana which is known to be the most crucial in opening Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra). The continuous practice of Ustrasana is a panacea in reducing stress and increasing blood circulation throughout the body. Increased blood circulation means that more oxygen reaches the body and helps in making the body and mind healthy.


Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

When one performs setu bandhasana then one's body shapes like a bridge and so the asana is also known as the Bridge Pose. Like Ustrasana, this asana also helps in improving blood circulation in the body. Setu Bandhasana not only makes the chest wider but also helps in opening the blockages of the heart. It is also beneficial in calming the mind and reducing stress. It also gives tremendous energy to the body when practiced regularly.


Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose/Cobbler's Pose)

Baddha Konasana is the root of yoga. It gives excellent stretch to the inner part of the thigh and the area around the genitals. It helps in straightening the spine and relaxing the thighs. While its regular practice also provides relief from hip pain, tension, stress and depression.


Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

This asana, done by leaning forward after sitting, strengthens the hamstring muscles and helps to open the blockage. It also helps in curing spinal problems. During the practice of this asana, by inhaling and exhaling long, the mind becomes calm and it becomes easy to make the body flexible.


Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana is the base or foundation of seated asanas. This asana helps in developing core strength in the body. Its practice may seem easy at first glance. But with regular inhalation and exhalation, it takes a lot of strength to keep the spine straight.

Once you stop doing this asana, the spine comes back to its old position. Performing this basic-looking posture also helps in reducing stress and tension.


Pranayama (Breathing Practice)

Pranayama is simply translated to mean, "Controlling Breath or Pranic Energy". When stress increases, it can also lead to anxiety attacks. Therefore, whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation that is causing you anxiety, at this time one of the best home remedies for anxiety involves controlling your own breathing rate. For example, if you are going to face an interview and you are feeling anxious, take a deep breath for at least 1 minute and keep doing this for 10 to 15 minutes. This will calm you down and prevent anxiety attacks.

Also, if you perform Pranayama daily with proper guidance and knowledge then you are surely benefitted from this.


Dhyana (Meditation)

Dhyana is a direct connection to divinity. It has been proven that meditation helps to calm the mind and relax the body. Often during an anguish attack, our thoughts and heartbeats seem to run away and we feel out of hand. It is necessary that daily meditation should be done according to the rule. Give some time of your day to meditation, try this time to be in the morning.

If it is practiced according to the rules, then you feel control over your mind. Along with this, you will also feel the mind relax. This is one of the best and most effective home remedies for anxiety in the modern world.

Note: Please keep in mind that the above-given information is for knowledge. If you want to start any of the yoga asanas, better to take a class or professional help first.

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